Thursday, January 8, 2009

more bundle

I made this sweet card holder, that looks like a mini magazine holder with the directions I got from InkingIdaho' blog. Its not a very good picture but you get the idea!
I will be having a mystery hostess workshop on Jan 31st. When you place your order you get your name in the drawing.. whoevers name gets pulled is the one who will recieve all the hostess bennies...
It will be after the new catalog comes, and the last day to order Love you Much bundle!
Can you tell I am excited?? Rumor has it there are frogs in the new cattie... oh I can't wait!
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1 comment:

JulieA said...

Very cute, Barb! And I thought you were going to say that the winner of the drawing was going to win this cute little project! :0)

 For all my Friends with  February Birthdays , Here is a card for you ! Hope you enjoy it.    Friendly Seagulls Photopolymer Stamp Set (...