I made this bag of goodies for my UPS delivery person! If it wasn't for them we would not have our goodies! I got a knock on the door and big smile and a Happy Thank you from my young man!
It makes my heart smile to share!!
Bits and pieces shared just for you from Barb. go to http://barbhopper.stampinup.net for more ideas and products
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Christmas Cup
As promised, here are the directions for this cup. Please bear with me as this is my first Tutorial
Supplies Needed
Neutral colored Card Stock..( I used Sahara Sand) 81/2 x 51/2
Score board or the score tab on your paper cutter
Tear-n-Tape or Fast Fuse adhesive
Washi tape of your choice
Supplies Needed
Neutral colored Card Stock..( I used Sahara Sand) 81/2 x 51/2
Score board or the score tab on your paper cutter
Tear-n-Tape or Fast Fuse adhesive
Washi tape of your choice
with the 51/2 side at the top of your score tool, score at 2inches
Turn the card stock 90* and score at 2,4 and 6 inches but only go to that 2 inch score mark. At the 8 inch mark score all the way down.
Add strong adhesive JUST UNDER the 2 inch score mark put adhesive over the last 3 tabs and just above the bottom add adhesive (tear-n-tape used here)
Add adhesive to tab on left from top to 2 inch score mark
cut away far left small tab
cut tabs on bottom cutting thru tear-n-tape
starting at right side end take tape off and roll onto next tab
continue "rolling " cup bottoms
take tape off inside tape and tuck inside cup
For handle cut a piece of card stock 1/2 x 11
Put adhesive tape from one end to the 31/2 mark, on the other end put adhesive tape from 3inch to the end
Take the tape off the 3 inch end. Put this end into the cup... I put mine on the inside seam.
Take the tape off the 31/2 end, put it on the very bottom of your cup all the way to the end.
You will still have some glue showing on the inside of your handle.... just press it against the cup and Poof* Instant handle
If you would like to add washi tape or dsp do so before adding your handle. Decorate as desired.... and fill with goodies..
They do make up fast and make great little gifts!
I hope you enjoyed my first tutorial... If you have any question just leave them in the comment box below... and I will try to answer them as best I can. Or email me or call me!
Merry Christmas Crafting!
Thank you Brenda Q for posting the original tutorial!
Friday, December 2, 2016
Well Here we are.... all moved in but far from settled! Isn't this wreath sent from my family in Mass just beautiful??
Stampin Up! is having an awesome year end sale! Check out the year end close outs here:
year end and here: retiring from Holiday catty
Message me or go to my online store to get yours! You might want to check the main web site
stampin up as they are updating it daily and some items are while available and may be sold out. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.
Isn't this cup just too cute?? I wish I could take credit for it, but Brenda Quintano another Stampin up demo created it... I am getting really good at copying!
Ladies tell your hubbies I am taking orders for Christmas... and also have gift certificates ... I also gift wrap, but if they want to order I need orders no later than Dec 15th to insure they make it here by Christmas.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Be sure to start your Christmas Shopping at my online store! Remember as a Thank You for being a customer and being so patient while we move, for every online order this month ONLY you will get a coupon for 25% off good for ONE item . Redeemable Dec 10th thru Jan2, 2017.
I have recieved my box of goodies from the new upcoming occassions catalog... oooo wait til you see the goodies!!!
Thank you... each and every one of you... I appreciate your business and most of all I appreciate your friendship!
I hope to have samples up soon!
For those who still need Christmas Cards.. I will be doing a "Christmas Card Crank"
On Friday December 9th starting at 2:30 pm and going til about 8pm...
and again on Sat Dec 10th... starting at 2:30
It will be simular to an open house... I will have lots of cards prepped... and you pick the ones you want to make... everything you need for that card will be in the bag or box... you choose which ones you want to make. The cost is 2.00 a card, or 3 cards for 5.00, 7 cards 10.00 and 16 for 20.00 . Once a card gets all the supplies used up, it will be retired... and I will not be cutting more supplies for that card. Hopefully this will help you get your cards done and help me reduce my already prepped cards inventory! I will provide some light snacks you bring your adhesive.. bring your favorite soft drink of choice in a spill proof container... and we will keep them on table off the main work table.
So here is a chance to see the new house , have a snack and make cards!
Just a few of your choices! And many more to choose from!
RSVP to b4frog@hotmail.com so I have enough snacks
Message me to get my new address!
I have recieved my box of goodies from the new upcoming occassions catalog... oooo wait til you see the goodies!!!
Thank you... each and every one of you... I appreciate your business and most of all I appreciate your friendship!
I hope to have samples up soon!
For those who still need Christmas Cards.. I will be doing a "Christmas Card Crank"
On Friday December 9th starting at 2:30 pm and going til about 8pm...
and again on Sat Dec 10th... starting at 2:30
It will be simular to an open house... I will have lots of cards prepped... and you pick the ones you want to make... everything you need for that card will be in the bag or box... you choose which ones you want to make. The cost is 2.00 a card, or 3 cards for 5.00, 7 cards 10.00 and 16 for 20.00 . Once a card gets all the supplies used up, it will be retired... and I will not be cutting more supplies for that card. Hopefully this will help you get your cards done and help me reduce my already prepped cards inventory! I will provide some light snacks you bring your adhesive.. bring your favorite soft drink of choice in a spill proof container... and we will keep them on table off the main work table.
So here is a chance to see the new house , have a snack and make cards!
Just a few of your choices! And many more to choose from!
RSVP to b4frog@hotmail.com so I have enough snacks
Message me to get my new address!
Friday, November 18, 2016
Hello my dear friends! Well Moving isn't exactly going the way I had planned in my head! But all is okay! Because I am slower in real life than I am in my head... I have decided to extend my on line offer! I won't be ready for classes til Dec 1st... So for you its a win / win! So here's the deal.. From now until Nov 30th ... for every order you place ON LINE at my on line 24/7 store... I will give you a coupon for 25% off ONE item . To be used from Dec 10th thru
Jan 2 2017. Be sure to use hostess code CUS29MTU when it asks if you have a hostess code.... this way I can keep track of who orders. ( it is at the bottom of the page NOT the coupon code).
Stampin Up! also has some great Black Friday deals... starting Nov21st!
Jan 2 2017. Be sure to use hostess code CUS29MTU when it asks if you have a hostess code.... this way I can keep track of who orders. ( it is at the bottom of the page NOT the coupon code).
Stampin Up! also has some great Black Friday deals... starting Nov21st!
Remember its a 25% off one item redeemable only thru me Barb Hopper ... and must be used between Dec 10 and Jan 2nd. Not to be cominbined with any other offers....( birthday discount...ect)
For every total order you get one coupon... (Not for every item on your order ) So if you order 4 times you will get 4 coupons... and the orders MUST BE FROM MY ONLINE STORE.
Happy Shopping! And I will get back to my boxes and organizing!!
this offer is good only thru Barb Hopper... and only because I am moving and can not hold classes !
Happy Stamping All!
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Stitched from the Heart
These are currently on back order.. But as of a few minutes ago, they are orderable!!
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Here’s to Cheers & Cheerful Tags Framelits Dies by Stampin’ Up!
I have this framelette set and can't wait to use it..... soon... be sure to check back for Dates in Dec to make these with me!
Monday, November 7, 2016
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Hello Everyone! I am back from the land of the lost!! Bet you didn't even know I was gone! I am still gone, really. Currently I am in my hotel room in Madison Wisconsin, where tomorrow I will join with thousands other happy Stampin Up! Demonstrators as the occassions catalog is reveiled tomorrow! It will be fun for sure!
We made this card in club this week. All my ladies seemed to enjoy it...and it says a lot! The month of November we naturally think about things we are thankful for, and this year is no exception! I have so much to be thankful for! First of all , I am thankful for YOU... yes you reading this right now.. my stamping friends and customers....( but lets face it, all my customers become my friends). Thank you for ordering from me, coming to my classes and some of you just stamp with me... I am thankful for each and everyone of you. ...
As most of you know, I will be moving soon... and moves can be stressful, so I am unable to hold classes, for a week or two... So I have a wonderful thank you offer for you only from me... BarbHopper... For every on line order I receive from you... From Nov 9th until Nov 23rd.. I will send you a coupon for 25% off ONE stampin up item from any current catalog. These coupons are only redeemable thru me, BarbHopper, from Dec 10th 2016 thru Jan 2nd 2017. Remember if you give me 3 separate orders..( not items ) you will receive 3 coupons... one on line order = 1 25% off one item coupon.
In order for me to give your discount on your one item you will have to place the order thru me not my web site. Clear as Mud??
So go to www.barbhopper.stampinup.net and place your order in my online store.( click where it says shop now) Be sure to check the box that says its okay for the demonstrator to contact you so I can send you your coupon.
Come back soon and I will tell you how I made these wonderful leaves on this card... oh so easy!!
I am editing this to include the hostess code CUS29MTU.
Be sure to use this code when ordering... (the web site should ask you if you have a code ) so I can keep track of who I have to get coupons to for the Month of December
We made this card in club this week. All my ladies seemed to enjoy it...and it says a lot! The month of November we naturally think about things we are thankful for, and this year is no exception! I have so much to be thankful for! First of all , I am thankful for YOU... yes you reading this right now.. my stamping friends and customers....( but lets face it, all my customers become my friends). Thank you for ordering from me, coming to my classes and some of you just stamp with me... I am thankful for each and everyone of you. ...
As most of you know, I will be moving soon... and moves can be stressful, so I am unable to hold classes, for a week or two... So I have a wonderful thank you offer for you only from me... BarbHopper... For every on line order I receive from you... From Nov 9th until Nov 23rd.. I will send you a coupon for 25% off ONE stampin up item from any current catalog. These coupons are only redeemable thru me, BarbHopper, from Dec 10th 2016 thru Jan 2nd 2017. Remember if you give me 3 separate orders..( not items ) you will receive 3 coupons... one on line order = 1 25% off one item coupon.
In order for me to give your discount on your one item you will have to place the order thru me not my web site. Clear as Mud??
So go to www.barbhopper.stampinup.net and place your order in my online store.( click where it says shop now) Be sure to check the box that says its okay for the demonstrator to contact you so I can send you your coupon.
Come back soon and I will tell you how I made these wonderful leaves on this card... oh so easy!!
I am editing this to include the hostess code CUS29MTU.
Be sure to use this code when ordering... (the web site should ask you if you have a code ) so I can keep track of who I have to get coupons to for the Month of December
Monday, September 12, 2016
Well lets try this again..... I tried to share a video from Stampin up about the sweet home bundle... but for some reason facebook did not want to co operate!
My Grands were here over the weekend and they were delighted to make Haunted Houses with Gramma... while gluing little tiny pieces wasn;t such a good idea for little fingers they could stamp on their houses! Shannon told me we could make a dog house , and a gingerbread house, and then "we could make a whole city" !! Love it ! Here is one of their houses... I didn't snap more pictures before they took their creations home...
My Grands were here over the weekend and they were delighted to make Haunted Houses with Gramma... while gluing little tiny pieces wasn;t such a good idea for little fingers they could stamp on their houses! Shannon told me we could make a dog house , and a gingerbread house, and then "we could make a whole city" !! Love it ! Here is one of their houses... I didn't snap more pictures before they took their creations home...
that is all 4 sides of their house... not bad for little fingers..and no inky fingers.....!
If you would like to see the video from stampin up, go to u tube and put STampin up in the search
Home Sweet Home Stamp Set and Framelits by Stampin’ Up!

I let the girls stamp this house... not bad for almost 5 and 7!!
Stay tuned for some cards made out of the stamp set ,,,
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Here is a sneak peak of a couple of Christmas Cards I added to our growing Card Buffet of Christmas Cards.
There are more new ones to choose from. I found the one of Rudolf on Pintrest, but neglected to get the designers name, so if you reconize your card let me know so I can give you credit for the design!!
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Here’s to Cheers & Cheerful Tags Framelits Dies by Stampin’ Up!
When I saw this in my online copy of the new Holiday catalog.. I fell in love with it! This would make a nice hostess gift... just nice gift tags! Can't wait to get mine.. Wait til you see the new catalog... it is FILLED to BRIM of great products and ideas, As soon as my catalogs arrive, you will be getting one!
Monday, August 8, 2016
The Thoughtful Branches Bundle has been so much fun to play with! I am really enjoying the versatility of the set! If you purchase this 52.00 bundle from me, ( only available the month of Aug while supplies last) you will get a free class using this set of stamps and frameletts. This is just a drop in the buckett of many cards you can make using this set. These are using our note cards and envelopes.
Contact me to get your free class! And a big thank you to Jenny Moors for her ideas ... these are her designs!
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quick tip to line up strips of dsp
Here is a quick tip to help you line up strips of dsp on your card fronts!

Here are some pictures of what we made in "Gypsy's Girls" club on Thursday! I will give you directions to make the little pur...
I had to make a sympathy card for some friends... I hate it when this happens.. I must have stared at my stamps for 15 minutes before I coul...
I have been wanting to do a shaker card for a long time... well when a friend got her grandchild before the shower.. ( tiny little premie ...