Monday, October 12, 2020

one sheet wonders

Have you ever looked at your designer series paper and thought.. " now what do I do??" Here is a solution for you... try a "one sheet wonder" Cut your dsp to 6x6 and then I will show you how to cut it to put on 3 different cards. 
I am sorry my video is sideways .. I am still learning.. but I am proud of myself that I got the video off my phone and up loaded to u tube!! By the time I get it figured out .. someone along the line will "make it even better" and I will be back to square one! 
I made these cards with my downline on Fri night.. everyone brought different paper and it was fun to see what they had come up with! 

So now that your neck is aching from looking sideways...  I will try to upload a pdf ... and again its not the most professional as I am just not a techy kind of crafter! 
Lets try this lets try this

Hopefully you can see my very rustic version... One day  I will get this all figured out! 
Tomorrow ... more One Sheet wonder Cards! 
Thats it for today my friends
TaTa for now

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